PAN6: Joining Joanie with Stephanie Levenston

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“Why is it that dad keeps saying that you’re my daughter?” reflects a stunned Stephanie Levenston about a conversation with her mother Joanie. Dementia changes relationships. All of a sudden relationship bonds as strong as mother and daughter are frayed in the dementia disconnect. Tuning in to this podcast will give you strategies for communicating with your loved one with dementia while they are present with us and how to connect spiritually when they are no longer here.

About the Author

Stephanie Banks Levenston wears many hats as an author, intuitive channel, coach, Speech-Language Pathologist, Lactation Counselor, Doula, environmental protector, animal rights advocate, lover of children/elderly/animals, mentor, wife, mother, daughter…you get the idea. Stephanie helps her readers and clients recognize their own powerful internal voice of wisdom and learn to trust that voice for guidance.

About Joining Joanie: Staying Connected to Your Loved One Through Dementia and Beyond

Do you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or a memory disorder? Are you challenged to find meaningful ways to converse and connect as the memory disorder progresses? Would you like to learn how to cultivate closeness, anticipate changing needs, keep a sense of humor, and live life to its fullest while caring for and loving someone with this disease? If so, then this book is for you.

Join Stephanie on the journey with Joanie through the twists and turns of her lesser-known dementia. Frontotemporal dementia can develop in individuals as young as their 20s and is often initially misdiagnosed. Stephanie had more than 20 years of clinical experience working with individuals with cognitive and memory disorders, as well as her personal experience supporting Joanie. Joining Joanie  offers nuggets of wisdom and entertaining anecdotes throughout these pages. This book is full of practical advice that can be immediately applied. It also offers a refreshing perspective regarding the importance of self-care and humor to keep you thriving on your journey.

Episode Outline

  • About Stephanie Levenston
  • Signs and symptoms of dementia
  • Communication strategies and dementia
  • The power of laughter and role play with dementia
  • Managing changing relationships with dementia
  • Understanding how roles change during the dementia disconnect
  • Coping with emotions as dementia changes personal relationships
  • About Joining Joanie: Staying Connected to Your Loved One Through Dementia and Beyond
  • Becoming a channel through spiritual connection
  • How to mute the noise and become a deep listener
  • How to connect with Stephanie

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